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海外企業の方へ / For the companies outside Japan | Double Bottom Inc.
Web service of the world to Japan

海外企業の方へ / For the companies outside Japan

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  • 海外企業の方へ / For the companies outside Japan

Selling your service in Japan

We are interested in providing your services for Japanese companies. For example, we run Japanese version of your services. It may be more like a Japanese Branch.

This brings your company chances to sell your services to Japan, and we can get a products to sell.


(1)What we can do

  • Localization of your websites(No fee needed).
  • Making contracts for Japanese companies of SaaS, ASP, and other services like Hosting.
  • Making contracts for clients that uses our services.
  • First level support of your services in Japanese.

(2)What we expect your company

  • Let us use your brand name in Japan.
  • Give us information of current websites and some programs(if needed to run the websites).
  • Give us market information and trends in USA and Europe.


Feel free to contact us

    Company (required)

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

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